Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ALOUD's Forum

Sapphire author of "The Kid"

Brighde Mullins, USC Director of Writing Programs, interviewed Sapphire on her new book. Sapphire is the author of "Push" which was made into the movie "Precious". "The Kid" begins 9 years later with the kid, Abdul, experiencing the death of his mother from A.I.D.S.
He has no family so he goes to an abusive foster home and orphanage. Evidently his life gets worse from there and the book is about his thoughts and experiences. Dr. Mullins talked about how challenging this book is for the readers.  She said that the story is harsh and the readings of Abdul's thoughts are difficult. However, Abdul discovers the world of artistic dance.  There evidently is some humor and he learns that in the dance, he is safe.

Sapphire said that Abdul is flawed, not as "pedestal like, like his mother".  "Precious was too perfect...I had to kill her off."  She also said that in this child she could see her own beauty.  Abdul knows he is fine, but he is nine when his mother dies at the age of 27...there was no safety net...family...friends.  She acknowledged that it is traumatic to read but that you must understand that trauma created him.

She said that "The Kid" makes "Push" like the story of "Ann of Green Gables".  Authors that she admires are Kafka,  "Metamorphosis", Earnest Gaines, "A Lesson Before Dying", Alice Walker, "The Color Purple", and Richard Wright, "Black Boy". She quoted T.S. Elliot "Man can't bear too much reality".  With that warning the evening was over and the audience was left to decide for themselves whether that can take too much reality.

I down loaded the sample of the book on my I Pad....we'll see if I get beyond the free sample.  The reviews I read range from "terrible" to "great".

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