Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"The Taste Makers"

Last night I attend a Zocolo event at the Grand Central Market in downtown L.A.  David Sax, author of "The Taste Makers,"  spoke about the changing food fads.

He talked about samples of food fads like the cupcake parlors, kale, and the marketing of bacon.  He said that they are putting bacon in everything including a bacon coffin, and a bacon flavored lubrication.  He said the chefs that make it are the ones who create original innovative ideas and then go to the internet to market them.

One example of a successful chef with his food fusion of Mexican and Korean, is Roy Choi.  Roy came up with the idea of buying a food truck and making Kogi barbecued pork tacos.  He tied into Twitter to announce his locations and thousands came to his Kogi trucks.  Food trucks are now the rage all over the world...started by Roy Choi's creation and success.  He now operates 4 trucks and three restaurants.  His recent cookbook and life story is a New York Times best seller.  This has incentivizes creativity and innovation in food and moves culture ahead, he said.

David Sax at Zocolo

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